Sunday, 23 December 2007
The stages Kubler-Ross identified are:
* Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
* Anger (why is this happening to me?)
* Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
* Depression (I don't care anymore)
* Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)
No. I am not suffering from cancer. Though the pain might be comparable. I think I might be past denial. I was finally willing to tell my cousin what happened today, but I still prefer to keep many out of it. When I was at denial stage, my friends were so supportive but I still miss some of the most important people in my life.
I knew that he was quite unhappy. I knew that something was imminent. I thought that the serious talk (bless my stupid brain) was going to be about something nasty but I thought it would end with "happily ever after". I thought he was going to ask me if I would overlook his flaws and work to begin life together. I was wrong. My best friend said that I would not have said "I do". He was partially right. It was not because there was no love for him but I am still studying and would prefer to wait.
I was supposed to read to his sister's kids on Sunday but it never came. His mother asked me what exactly had happened. I could not answer. I AM equally lost. All I knew was that he told me that it did not make a difference if we were together. He was working almost 96 hours a week. I only had weekends free. But he had none to spare me. Our goals were different. I was also pretty tired to fight alone.
I cannot say that it was his fault that things turned this way. I am, after all, at fault too.
I think it'll take time to heal. No. I am not the kind of tragic heroine to say that I will never recover from this. But the time needed is questionable. After all, I thought I got over it and was ready to move on. But I was wrong, was I not?
Every time I am out, I was almost expecting to see him taking me home from my appointments. When I sleep, I would wake up in tears. I would wake up in anger. I would wake up with chest pains. But I will never wake up to see him beside me. All that promises that will never be fulfilled and the dreams that are never to be realised.
I also subconsciously compare others to him. His wits and intelligence are things that I will miss most.
There were often blank patches in my head. Gaps that I could not fill in. I would get lost in places that I've been to a million times. My brother found these moments entertaining that I could forget a day in between. My cousin found it surprising that I could get lost in Tangs. I drowned my sorrows in reading and rereading Harry Potter.
Just like he has hurt me. I am afraid that I would have to hurt others as well. I cannot move on. So it would be unfair that I be with someone else. I have the tendency to linger and look back but no decency to move forward. Like a spirit in limbo.
I will have to move out of limbo. Though I am not sure how long it would take. We were together for 8 years. I hope moving on would not take as long.
Thursday, 14 June 2007
I was at Kovan last night and I went into a jewelry shop. I saw the sales attendant and asked "Do you have yellow gold?"
She replied, "Yes, we do. It's at the backside."
Interesting the way salesgirls speak.
Monday, 23 April 2007
Sunday, 22 April 2007
Feeling small
Good choice mate, stick to your own company. Don't try too hard.
Saturday, 14 April 2007
Andrea Bocelli and Elmo
Why am I so busy lately?
Sunday, 8 April 2007
So fun!
Can't wait
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
She's Getting Married
Monday, 2 April 2007
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
The tiger and the snow
B found it irritating. I found it lovely. Roberto Benigni has done it again!
Something Simple
Boy gets his own postbox
An eight-year-old boy has got his own postbox because he loves sending letters.
Gareth Scott, who is autistic, now has his own postbox in his garden in Gatley, Greater Manchester.
His mum Denise wrote to Royal Mail to see if they'd supply a box. They couldn't but put her in touch with company Romec.
Company boss Paul Carr was so touched by Gareth story he sent a weighted fibreglass box and postman's hat to Gareth for free.
According to the Sun, Denise said: "He's over the moon."
Busy Day
How bad can life be?
A Chinese woman escaped jail after she cut off her husband's penis and threw it out of the window.
The man drove himself to hospital - but doctors couldn't reattach the organ as it had been eaten by a dog, reports Jinling Evening Post.
Yao Fengfang was given a three year suspended jail sentence after her husband, Li Gengbao, asked the judge to be lenient.
Li, a taxi driver in Nanjing city, said he wanted his wife to keep her liberty so she could look after him for the rest of his life.
Yao suspected her husband, of having an affair with his ex-wife and confronted him after seeing his taxi parked outside of her house.
On the way back home, Yao threatened to 'disable' his husband but he thought she was bluffing. Li went to bed early but he was woken at midnight by a sharp pain.
He said: "My wife was holding a large part of my penis, and I pleaded with her to send me to hospital immediately, but she refused firmly, and when I pleaded with her to give me back the cut penis, she threw it out of the window."
Li wrapped his wound with a pillow cover and drove his taxi to Nanjing City First Hospital.
The hospital carried out emergency surgery and sent staff to look for Li's severed penis, but found it had been eaten by a neighbour's dog. of the story: We know!
Doing us in?
Sunday, 25 March 2007
Father: Le wu si me zui? (What are your sins?)
Man : Wo bor zui. (I've no sin)
Father : Le urm si zui nang, le zhor ni oi lai? (If you are not a sinner, why are you here?)
Man: wo um si zui nang. Wo si Teochew nang! (I'm not a sinner, I'm a Teochew!)
Online confessions for lazy Catholics
A Polish man is in trouble for offering an online confessional for Catholics who can't be bothered with church.
Borys Cezar, 37, set up the website which welcomed visitors with the words: "Welcome to the virtual confessional."
It continued: "Now write down your sins against Lord God. Do you regret your sins?" (yes/no) Do you intend to correct them? (yes/no); now click on next.
"We are connecting you with the Lord God, please wait... Your sins are being transferred, please wait... Congratulations, your sins have been forgiven."
Cezar is facing a heavy fine or jail for offending religious feelings and his website has been closed down.
He said: "I'm a Catholic myself. I go to confession like anyone else. I didn't want to offend anyone.", 23 March 2007
Bosnian angry with 'funeral' no show
A Bosnian man has written to all his friends to complain after only his elderly mum turned up for his funeral.
Amir Vehabovic, 45, faked his own death just to see how many people would attend.
He then watched from the bushes as only his elderly mum turned up for the burial in the north Bosnian town of Gradiska.
In the letter to the 45 people he invited to the burial he said: "I paid a lot of money to get a fake death certificate and bribe undertakers to deliver an empty coffin.
"I really thought a lot more of you, my so-called friends, would turn up to pay their last respects. It just goes to show who you can really count on.", 21 March 2007
A Chinese man says his cat can clearly pronounce his own name.
Mr Sun, from Beijing, says two-year-old Agui says his name when he gets frightened.
"Last year I was helping him take a bath, and he was scared of the water. After couple of 'miaow's, I heard a clear 'Agui'," he told the Star Daily.
"At first I doubted what I was hearing, but he kept calling his name, very clearly, and sounding like a child."
Mr Sun says that from then on, Agui has said his own name whenever he is frightened.
"At bath time, when he gets a shot from the vet, or gets scared playing outside, he cries out, 'Agui'," he added.
The Fangzhuang Pet Hospital has filmed Agui saying his name when Mr Sun pretended to give him a bath.
A hospital spokesman said repeatedly hearing his own name would have made an impression on Agui which comes out under stress.
"If the owner can give him systematic training, the cat should be able to speak more Chinese," a spokesman claimed.
hahahahahahaha. I cannot imagine ble trying that.Is it fair?
Stabbed in the back
When you are supposed to be graded, these crappy people, who are your bosses tell you that you are lousy in front of everyone. WTF? You have my sympathy.
Dance Floor
Sunday, 18 March 2007
Pet Megamart
There is also a swimming pool for doggies and a lawn where dog owners walk their dogs and talk to other dog owners. There were a number of huskies. I was wearing a tank top and shorts and was soaked to the skin. Can You imagine the huskies, weaing their beautiful fur coats? What kinda people who call themselves dog lovers would subject the huskies to our harsh climate? BB said.
Well, the MEGAMART did not impress me much. It was so damn hot (no air con) and there were not many brands of food to choose from. Also, most of the stuff were for dogs and me having a cat at home did not even have a choice of cat's tidbits. I got something from IKEA for Pebble but not at PET MEGAMART?
IAMS and EUKANUBA were also having a promotion. Wonder if it has anything to do with the recent withdrawal of their products from pet shops.
In summary, where's the market for cats? I feel so left out!
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
Princess Diana
UV Allergy
Sunlight, even without drugs, causes immediate urticaria in some people. This may be a symptom of porphyria—a genetic metabolic defect.
Mine is not immediate but soon enough. Talk about a seaside vacation. Sigh!
Bitten in the ass
Yesterday, I wanted to warn my colleague that some customers were expecting her and she was not there yet. The customers were making comments and the most important and senior one commented in Mandarin to the rest of them if something had happened to cause a delay in a grudging way. Hearing that, I asked another colleague if I should give her a call but my other colleague who also heard that comment said get one of her good friends to do it (she is as unpredictable as the weather).
We asked one of her good friends and she was told that there was a jam on the road. So we went back to our own business and when I came back from a programme, I saw her. I asked her if we won and she said it wasn't a competition. Anyway, I relayed what happened in the morning and she said that she must go find out who was the person that started the rumour of the customer commenting on her lateness as she confronted the customer and the customer insisted that her daughter was the one with the grudges, not her. The customer has her number and will call her if she has any questions!
I told her what I heard and in that case, I am the one that she's looking for. She gave me a stare and said that she should come kick my ass and I stood my ground. I heard it in Mandarin and but failed to tell that almost anyone who can understand Mandarin heard it. I said that she must have been repeating what her daughter said then to tell the daughter off.
Go ahead and think that I'm trying to drive a wedge between her and the customer. Truth is that when you want to be kind, choose your audience with care. I wrote this down to remind myself that not everyone is worth it. Sometimes, the truth kills.
Make Studies Like Gaming
Consent Form
Lots of stuff went haywire at work. Leakage and all and people flaring up at you for nothing. You don't even know if you'd done something wrong to deserve this. Okie, maybe I should go break a few beer bottles too.
Monday, 12 March 2007
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Saturday, 3 March 2007
Sophia said that the food should have been drugged. I gave her a loud "OI".
Sophia, break a few more bottles! LOL
Thursday, 1 March 2007
What's in a name?
By any other word would smell as sweet."
![]() Ananova: |
![]() |
Man names daughter after car |
A Romanian luxury car enthusiast has named his daughter SLK after the Mercedes model.
The man, from Chisinau Cris in Arad county, reportedly surprised staff at the register's office with the name.
Ica Mladin, the head of the local register's office, said: "This man walked into the office and said he wanted a birth certificate on the name SLK Caldarar.
"We found that very odd and tried to make him change his mind."
But the father insisted, saying he loves cars and if the baby had been a boy he would have been named BMW.
Mr Caldarar said: "The SLK is one of the most famous models of the Mercedes class; it's expensive and beautiful.
"It I had had a boy, I would have named him BMW because this car's hot and runs very fast."
Not forgetting Gab too who thinks it's hilarious.
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Ble in Minnie Mouse
Sunday, 25 February 2007
Saturday, 24 February 2007
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start now and make a brand new ending. (unknown)
5 Years
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
It's always about me
Yes, it's always about me. The world revolves around me. Therefore, the pains revolves around me. Never can I expect anyone else to feel it, even though they say they do.
Hopeless Cases
I think 1 can only pray when dealing with hopeless cases.
Prayer to St. Jude
To be said when problems arise or when one seems to be deprived of all visible help, or for cases almost despaired of.
Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant
and friend of Jesus, the Church honors
and invokes you universally, as the patron
of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired
of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone.
Make use I implore you, of that particular
privilege given to you, to bring visible and
speedy help where help is almost despaired
of. Come to my assistance in this great need
that I may receive the consolation and help
of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations,
and sufferings, particularly--(Here make
your request) and that I may praise God
with you and all the elect forever. I promise,
O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of
this great favor,to always honor you as my
special and powerful patron, and to gratefully
encourage devotion to you. Amen.
St. Jude Prayer
Saturday, 17 February 2007
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
St Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine's Day
St. Valentine
Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who, with St. Marius and his family, assisted the martyrs in the persecution under Claudius II. He was apprehended, and sent by the emperor to the prefect of Rome, who, on finding all his promises to make him renounce his faith in effectual, commended him to be beaten with clubs, and afterwards, to be beheaded, which was executed on February 14, about the year 270. Pope Julius I is said to have built a church near Ponte Mole to he memory, which for a long time gave name to the gate now called Porta del Popolo, formerly, Porta Valetini. The greatest part of his relics are now in the church of St. Praxedes. His name is celebrated as that of an illustrious martyr in the sacramentary of St. Gregory, the Roman Missal of Thomasius, in the calendar of F. Fronto and that of Allatius, in Bede, Usuard, Ado, Notker and all other martyrologies on this day. To abolish the heathens lewd superstitious custom of boys drawing the names of girls, in honor of their goddess Februata Juno, on the fifteenth of this month, several zealous pastors substituted the names of saints in billets given on this day.
The Origin of St. Valentine
The origin of St. Valentine, and how many St. Valentines there were, remains a mystery. One opinion is that he was a Roman martyred for refusing to give up his Christian faith. Other historians hold that St. Valentine was a temple priest jailed for defiance during the reign of Claudius. Whoever he was, Valentine really existed because archaeologists have unearthed a Roman catacomb and an ancient church dedicated to Saint Valentine. In 496 AD Pope Gelasius marked February 14th as a celebration in honor of his martyrdom.
The first representation of Saint Valentine appeared in a The Nuremberg Chronicle, a great illustrated book printed in 1493. [Additional evidence that Valentine was a real person: archaeologists have unearthed a Roman catacomb and an ancient church dedicated to Saint Valentine.] Alongside a woodcut portrait of him, text states that Valentinus was a Roman priest martyred during the reign of Claudius the Goth [Claudius II]. Since he was caught marrying Christian couples and aiding any Christians who were being persecuted under Emperor Claudius in Rome [when helping them was considered a crime], Valentinus was arrested and imprisoned. Claudius took a liking to this prisoner -- until Valentinus made a strategic error: he tried to convert the Emperor -- whereupon this priest was condemned to death. He was beaten with clubs and stoned; when that didn't do it, he was beheaded outside the Flaminian Gate [circa 269].
Saints are not supposed to rest in peace; they're expected to keep busy: to perform miracles, to intercede. Being in jail or dead is no excuse for non-performance of the supernatural. One legend says, while awaiting his execution, Valentinus restored the sight of his jailer's blind daughter. Another legend says, on the eve of his death, he penned a farewell note to the jailer's daughter, signing it, "From your Valentine."
St. Valentine was a Priest, martyred in 269 at Rome and was buried on the Flaminian Way. He is the Patron Saint of affianced couples, bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travellers, young people. He is represented in pictures with birds and roses., 13 February 2007
She's Afraid Of Hamsters
This is Bunny, my neighbour's cat. She has been out of the house lately. I spoke to the owner and found out that they are temporarily looking after their brother's hamster. I told her Bunny is really stressed, that's why she's behaving like that. She said that Snubbi's fine. Maybe Bunny is afraid.
She told me that she has asthma and her son has allergies so her father suggested rehoming her cats to her aunt's place. She protested and said that they are like her children and her husband is so very attached to them. Even when she was pregnant and had to be sent to the hospital for the asthma attacks, she said she never once thought of giving her cats away. She left food and water for Bunny outside the flat and I promise to brush the cats whenever I can. This will lessen the shedding as the cats would not go near her now. Bathing the cats will help too. They see her as a traitor.
I also suggested that they train the cats not to jump onto the beds and sofa and have designated places for them to sleep. These precious learn fast and they will soon understand that their place is not on the bed!
Pebble used to go to their place before they had their own cats. They are such lovely people.
Parking on bike lots
Monday, 12 February 2007
Take my life
UN News Centre on H5N1
Valentine's Day Present
Sunday, 11 February 2007
Saturday, 10 February 2007
Going Crazy
Friday, 9 February 2007
"I" is the person that spent the past 5 days with us. When she says "I", it seemed to be the dirty word for the past 5 days. Every time we hear "I", we know that the "I" will be telling us something that we most probably are not interested in and will never be. Kudos to "we". "We" endured!
This is Ble with the "There she goes again" look.
Pebble's Religion
When the butterfly died
I don't like school
Uncle Sunny
Shame on you!
We are not rich. Neither are we "so free". We did not get them in stores. Whatever you saw, we made, designed, begged, borrowed or stole. Without the charity of others and ourselves, we could never have accomplished it! You are not the only one without a budget! Don't belittle our stuff when you are the lazy ones!
Sterilise Them
What sickens me is also the mother's unwillingness to take her daughter home after school punctually, avoiding calls and abusing her mother-in-law to pick up the girl, making her even less popular in the family.
I remarked, "How can we help? We can't cull them, nor can we sterilise them!"
One of the staff said, "I wish we can sterilise them! They can stop this ridiculous cycle!"
God's Love
Father Tay said, "The Bible aims to teach us good. When a person slaps your left cheek, you turn the other cheek for him." Do you really have to turn the other cheek literally? It is a parable that God wants to illustrate. Read the Bible with care and do not be misled by your petty human brain the greatness of God's love.
Father Quek said, "If you have Buddhist prayer offerings at home, eat them. Do not waste the food that God has given. Offer incense at funeral, it is simply a sign of respect. I offer incense to Mother Mary too."
Eat the food with a pure heart. It is after all just food. Incense is just something that has always been there. These are after all, Chinese traditions. God will not love you less if you have to do little things like that. You are being magnanimous. After all, God is magnanimous.
The human heart is complex, the human brain is narrow. Reading is not enough. Understanding is the key.
Thursday, 8 February 2007
A particular institution, Yu Hua Primary in Jurong East is my favourite by far. I was a true VIP there. I felt at home. Teachers there made me feel like I'm human and I am worthy. VP welcomed us before we got down, brought us to principal where we sat and have breakfast cause he insisted that one should never work with an empty stomach. They chatted with us and their EL HOD was there throughout our visit. Teachers there posed interesting and realistic questions, conversations were honest, open and engaging. We share common difficulties and problems in our organisations. We've never felt so appreciated. Thank you for having us. Our Effort has paid off.
Tomorrow, it will be north.
Professionals again
Complaining again
Wednesday, 7 February 2007

The next rank is the persian cats (a company who sits on cushy cushions in a small and private enclosure) while the bullied(s) are the stray cats in the organisation. (Yes! I am a stray)

However, many strays that we meet also want to join the persians and will stoop to any levels of cruelty or abuse to get there. They just have to learn to bark and they think that they are good enough, but they are worse than human! What is the Dog doing? It is oblivious and only cares about enjoying the food that the strays bring back. Who cares what the persians do as long as there's food? Oh yes, and the persians and wanna be(s) are also trying to speak its language, what more should it ask for?

Tuesday, 6 February 2007
I Know
Women are like cats
Monday, 5 February 2007
I don't want to wake up
Country Club
I May Be Generous...
Sunday, 4 February 2007
Saturday, 3 February 2007
Muah Chi Craze
How do you reserve seats?
Friday, 2 February 2007
You belong to me
Thursday, 1 February 2007
Nice day...
Wednesday, 31 January 2007
Happy Birthday!
Teach A Bear To Fish
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."
Now, say we try to teach a bear to fish, so you know, it can eat for a lifetime. We also try to teach the bear to read, to jump, to sing, to listen, to respect, to play musical instruments, to do Maths, to write poems and stories, to use the computer and to create art so that it can be a genius, so that it can contribute to the eco system.
However, if the bear fails to do all that or some of that, the bear might have learning disabilities. It can be dyslexia, hyperactivity or attention deficit. We then tell the bear, sorry but maybe we have to put it in another circus, where they teach intellectually impaired bears or put it in many many programmes, so that we can help the bear. We exhaust our list, but our bear is still disabled.
We get tired, we get upset, we get demoralised simply because our bear, is not learning as well as other bears!
Has anyone considered that the bear might just want to be fed by someone else for a lifetime?
After all, I want to be fed by someone else for a lifetime.
Based on a telephone conversation

A lady promoted a software to my work place but did not exactly quote the terms and condition. I was conveniently put in charge.
Over the telephone, I told her that we have about 21 people confirmed, but still awaiting confirmation from some others. I asked her some questions and she told me the software is best for office use. Well, our computers in the office are quite run down and we asked her since the software would be ours, can we also use it at home? She said only for single PC use and best be installed in the office. I told her I needed to make the T&C clear to my colleagues as many of us thought that it was a shareware kinda stuff. The discount offer for the software still stands if there are more than 10 ordering. She also asked me to email her the order the next day so that she could process it and for the order to be created under my email so that any updates could be sent to it.
Being the rep, I had to make this condition clear to my colleagues so that they will not be misled. About 8 canceled, including myself. So I passed on the ordering to another colleague. She then emailed her the final list and the lady replied that she went ahead to order for 21!
In the first place, she did not accept my order over the phone (I thought we had a casual conversation cos she wanted an email and she even told me that we might have to wait up to a week for the products) and then, asked for an email to be sent to her with the names. I really cannot comprehend why she went ahead to order without the email that she insisted and after telling her I had to make it clear to my colleagues! In the end, she told me that she will have to cover the loss for the other 8 sets and it made me look very guilty. In the whole conversation, she stressed that she would have to pick up the losses but was not interested in hearing the reason why the orders were canceled until I finally had a chance to ask her when she paused for breath, "Would you like to know the reason why the orders were canceled?"
She finally realised or not realised the miscommunication. As a business person, I pity her, but there's really nothing much I can do. If she really wanted to take my orders, she should have waited for what she insisted, an email, before ordering the exact copies. Sigh.
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
Like Ali G will say,
"me would dig wot dis geeza said, it makes sense and all da mingin about killin just make people check bit thick. respect!"
I like what this guy said, it makes sense and all the crap about killing just make people look stupid.
Monday, 29 January 2007
When Teaching Children
It takes a village to raise a child.
Sunday, 28 January 2007
He must be in his late 70s. He has never been to our place since we moved and has no idea where we stay except for the neighbourhood in general. Somehow, he managed to end up downstairs our pace. How can he, a frail old man who can barely walk 3 steps walk all the way from his home to our home? Almost 5 km!
We invited him in but he refused. I walked him to the stone bench with my grandpa and offered him a hot drink and some food. My uncle offered him a cigarette. Being the proud man, he refused. We offered to call his family to pick him up or send him home in a cab but he did not want to go home. Finally, my father came home and sent him back.
My grandma said that because he was such a chauvinistic man, his wife refuses to take care of him in his old age. I'm so glad he found his way to a friend.
Saturday, 27 January 2007
Have I told you lately that I love you
SkINFUL chicken vs SINFUL chicken
Friday, 26 January 2007
A Very Important Number
Thursday, 25 January 2007
When will I...
When will I strike TOTO, so that I can quit?
When will I become slim, so that I can wear more stuff?
When will I, sigh...
They never let you go
Wednesday, 24 January 2007
Dieting Cat
Working out
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
"Long Kang Chim Chim"
Never Die Before...

Dun play play ah! See me so gentle I will scold and scream at you if you try to distort facts! Like the Kopi Soh at Melben seafood at AMK. I ask for cold chrysanthemum tea she give me hot one. Tell her nicely but she started ranting. Somemore dare to tell me I was busily talking. !@#$%^ Think I still 10 years old issit?
But Sophia is the best. She breaks beer bottles if you don't give way to her! Idol!
When Guinea Pigs Talk
Bun Bun: You know got this human on Dawn's Blog every day want to cull cats, remove lizards and take dogs away?
Hunny Bun: Issit? Got such thing ah? Why?
Bun Bun: Cos she no like you know. She scared of cats, dogs and lizards.
Hunny Bun: Then how? She scared of rabbits? Later she want to kill us for rabbit stew a not?
Bun Bun: I dunno. But I suggest we all sterilise her and then tip her ear, like all our kitty friends then dump her in Central Australia lah!
Hunny Bun: Why so lay chay? Cull her can liao. We call Town Council say we scared of her lah!
High Class Bunny: You low class piggies make so much noise. I'll call the town council to trap you and cull you!
Hunny Bun: Shaddup lah!
Bleble: What's up?
Bun Bun: OOH! You got register your pet human? Some koo koo want the TC to kill everything she no like, even estates far away from her home cos she visits there.
Bleble: Aiyah, I microchip my human liao. She cannot go out for long or I'll start to worry.
Hunny Bun: Better dun let her go out at all. U know ah, her own kind is the most dangerous ah!
Bleble: Yeah lor!
Bun Bun: Even if not dangerous, later high class bunny complain also tio ah!
Bleble: Let's just cull that koo koo. Then all will be fine.