Wednesday 31 December 2008

New Year Resolutions

This is my plan for 2009:

By Feb 14th to get version no.2
By March Holis to get version no.3
By Mayday to get version no.4
By June 27th to get version no.5
By National Day to get version no.6

I have to admit that I have thought further than that

By Sept Holis to get version no.7
By Nov Holis to get version no.8
By Christmas to get version no.9
by 2010 to get married

No I'm not delirious.
What exciting resolutions. One must have plans in order for dreams to come true

La vie en rose - Louis Armstrong

Heard this in the car yesterday...

My Love Languages

N called and told me something about love languages and here are my results:

Profile Results

Score Love Language
6 Words of Affirmation
7 Quality Time
3 Receiving of Gifts
7 Acts of Service
7 Physical Touch

How to interpret your Profile Score:

Your highest score indicates your primary love language. Your second highest score indicates your secondary love
language. If two scores are identical, you are bilingual (you have two primary love languages). If the scores of your
primary and your secondary language are close (for example, 10 & 9 respectfully), it indicates both are important to
you. Whatever a significant other does to express love in either of these languages will get emotional points with you.
The highest possible score for any language is 12.

Having a clear picture of your primary & secondary love languages will explain much of your past behavior Think back
over the past and ask yourself "What have I most often requested from significant others?" Chances are your answer
will lie within the scope of your primary & secondary love languages. You have been requesting that which would meet
your deepest need for emotional love.

Looks like I am so easy with love and so easy to love. Qili, Linda, Jan, Jo and even my whole family has given up on me for that. But of course I really do not understand why gifts rank so low. I like nice gifts and money as well :P... Tiffany anyone?

new year's eve

once again I have gone through a year frightfully exciting at work and disgustingly retarded in romantic life. I am running a temperature, dragging a box of tissue around and wrapped up in my blanket trying to climb out of my box today and some people invited to parties this evening are trying to box themselves up. Shame on them. Should post nermal and them in a box together to abu dhabi...

Tuesday 30 December 2008

Caught in the act

Sigh... My VP caught me playing a game on Q's Hp during meeting today. Dumb ass - that's me.

Monday 29 December 2008

Ferrari Aurea

This car shares my name... I think its way hotter than myself :P

I got it from:

Well behaved

Yes! I was very well behaved in the office today. I did not curse and swear and I was such a lovely dear sitting in one corner!

Anyway, A suggested that CL, HW, himself and myself sign up for SEX (whatever you think it is, it is not what you think)

Sunday 28 December 2008

The Solar System

If I were anything in the Solar System, I must some funny planet spinning round my own orb. I think I will take some light years before I finally get round the sun.
Currently, my box is nice and cozy. I like it. Occasionally I take a peek into the real world. Not my kind of stuff but I'll have to be thrown out of my box soon. Work is starting again. Sigh...

Jay Chou - 菊花台

愁 莫渡江 秋心拆兩半
怕妳上不了岸 一輩子搖晃

Sunday 21 December 2008

Christmas Dinner 2

Okie, Ping, Von, Bianca, Joan and myself met up for our Christmas dinner at Novena Square's Curry Favour just now. The food was not fantastic. Neither was the service but the company was great. I acyually forgot to take my goft along so I had to pop into Watson's to get the same gift. I got the gift from Joan. One of my favourite stuffs! Nail lacquer and body polish. LOL

Tristan's First Month

This is Tristan at his first month party. So cute right?

Thursday 18 December 2008

Dinner at M Hotel

The whole gang had our traditional Christmas dinner at M hotel today and we also exchanged our gifts. I drew Gehua this year and Teck got me. Of course Xiu was the one who did the dirty job. She got me this from Paris. Really understands me so well.

Every year, they either get me make up or cats. This year, it's a combination of both. I love it!!!!

When we went to M hotel, we were shown to these seats:

As all of us are non smokers, we wondered if we could be changed to the non smoking seats, however, they said they were filled for the night and so we had to sit there. We were however, in a very safe spot.

Well, the service was not fantastic but we entertained ourselves well, we also had many servings of durian pengnat and were very happy with that dessert.

Our Happy Gang!

What's on the Christmas Menu

So this year I think we are going to have:

  1. Shepherd's Pie
  2. Seafood spaghetti
  3. Fruit cake (I'm going to try Nigella Lawson's Recipe)
  4. Log Cake
  5. Cray Fish
  6. Ham
  7. Roast Chicken and
  8. Anything else anyone is bringing over (Probably lots of alcohol)

Reviewing my own blog.

Okie, I just read my last year's entry. I think I have upset Nick as well.

In the midst of upsetting him by reading something, I realised all these words are words that I had written before, only in not as perfect language. I actually forgot I wrote this "Just like he has hurt me. I am afraid that I would have to hurt others as well. I cannot move on. So it would be unfair that I be with someone else. I have the tendency to linger and look back but no decency to move forward. Like a spirit in limbo."

Reviewing can be so painful, but I have realised this in the past few days as well, my pain did not start there. My lingering spirit was lost somewhere else long ago.

Ah Tham may get his wish after all.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Handsome lecturer and KK's House

Jan and I talked about her very handsome lecturer who gave her an A+... How I wish I had a handsome lecturer so I would not have any excuse to miss my class :) I don't mind getting a lower grade for that. So bimbotic right?

We went on to handsome boyfriends. Well, commented how nice it would be to have the Mayday's lead singer Ashin to be my boyfriend. Wow, rich and handsome and good boyfriend. Well, told her not so easy. Not many handsome guys around. hahahahahahaah! Well, if there are, we must be in our dreams. I must sleep more often.

Just came home from KK's house. Was at Compasspt in the afternoon with Linah. Sophie's trembling in her sleep and Li Nah is thinking of getting her a long sleeve shirt because Sophie hates the blanket. Well, she bought 3 and we bought some donuts, nuggets and mussels to take to KK's house for tea.

The children kept us running up and down but were very well behaved. Well, Emelia was there and we all waited for Ah Lian to come. Ah Lian came late and Li Nah had to leave before that because she did not bring dinner for Sophie. Never mind, we arranged to go for lunch on New Year's Eve.

Lian and I stayed for dinner. Initially we wanted to go out for coffee but Stanley had something to attend to and so we stayed behind and Lian and I took Joshua to get some crackers for tea. Stayed till we had to leave cos KK had to go out with her sis. Very therapeutic day. Qili is also finally home. Can call her to talk tomorrow.

Tuesday 16 December 2008


so far I'm now awake. I think it's just level 9.5 only so no spontaneous combustion. Li Nah's trying to counsel me. Everything in the box is threatening to come up as well. I told Li Nah I prefer to hide in my box first and reorganize things later. Maybe I should go shopping too. I said I wanted to update stuff so here goes: 我决定不恨了,也决定不爱了。 我只想回到盒子里。

more morbid than I thought

just had a very fun day and a good dinner featuring my favourite ayam buah keluak at Vivo city. Well, the children were very well behaved and the weather was great. At dinner, I sort of told my friend about my "cat" behaviour. Well, it's morbid. I explained that I'm rather like a cat. I'll wait out for my prey and even if my prey is dead, I would put it by my side. Sounds familiar? It seems that I have successfully walked into my trap again and this time into a deeper pit. Julie said that I'm just weird. She knows me best. Nonchalance does not suit me nor disguise me well. Anyway i didn't expect my first song to on my hp to be a mandarin song. Mayday's "I'm not really happy". Counting the number of years that I'm not really happy adds up to 15 freaking long years. Sometimes its downright depressing. 2 days before was level 8 depression. The day before was level 9. With any luck I'll reach level 10 today and combust spontaneously. My friend also told me a love story. I guess we all have our own weaknesses. What we are willing to give up for others.Too bad I cannot type Chinese here. I stick by may day's lyrics. Will update on the pc later, If I have not combusted.

Sunday 14 December 2008


I had to do it. To go steal a peek and make myself miserable.

The tree is slanted, the bulbs are out. I need a new tree. No one at home understands why. The tree is 9 years old. Those who know me well can do their maths.

This is the song I was listening to in Jo's car. I deserve happiness too.

五月天- 你不是真正的快

Saturday 13 December 2008

The results again

Lit - A-
Com - A-
Biz Law - B
Corp Law - B

I have retarded instead of progressed. Hopefully Jan did better.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Of cos its the holis again!

Well, first of all I know that I have not written in ages and many of my friends are asking me why. Well, writing does require input and I have to have input in order to write.

Oh oh! Did I remember to say that my godson is finally born on 12/11/2008? His name is Tristan Evans Giri and I am so proud of Julie (his mummy). He is a healthy little boy who looks very much like... ok let's just put it this way. he is a handsome boy and according to his proud daddy, he has since grown 5 cm taller. Well done Jules! Way to go!

Then comes the holis. I hate writing about work and there is absolutely nothing to write about it except that I was pretty pissed in the beginning of the holis, having being posted last minute to do another report writing and getting minimal help from a partner. Well, at least my boss apologised but some people can be so tactless! My big bos actually kept his promise to me so I pray that the next year will be a better year.

So far for the holis, I have gone to many sales. I am a sucker for sales. Ask me where the latest is and I can rattle them off hand. I went to the private sale at Robinsons with Sophia, thanks to my friend Albert and I did not buy anything at all! However, I did manage to get Sophia to purchase 2 ck tops and burnt a hole in her pocket. Before she managed to do so at Robinsons, I also burnt my pocket buying a dress at Miso in Centrepoint for my D & D. It was kind of nice. Aquamarine blue that fades to green with frills at the side. Kind of like a Flamenco dress. Pathma kept asking me if I were going to perform the Flamenco.

The second week of holis, I was asked to go back for a series of meeting for the first two days then proceeded to laze for the rest of the week. I also went to Vivo City with Mrs Lau and we had a great dinner and bought cheap garment bags at Daiso. I spent a day with Julie and Tristan. Julie was supposed to take a night off to ghave dinner with me but she had a fever so she could not make it. I went to her home instead. Whenever I visit, Tristan seems to be on his worst behaviour but he is after all, a new born. How can I bear to get angry with a baby? I wanted to buy my phone from Singtel also. I have been living on borrowed phone for the past few months. Mine died as I mentioned before. I settled for the G 900 finally but when I had the money to buy the phone, it was out of stock island wide. So I was very displeased with Singtel for not wanting to give me a voucher where I can offset the price by $50 at any exclusive dealers. Long story. I took over the phone from Joyce and she took my plan to buy a $0 phone. I also went swimming twice that week. Oh yeah, I went to Queensway with Jan and Kelvin because Kelivin needed a pair of shoes. everything was expensive and we managed to bargain the price down to I forgot how much. It was very enjoyable. I did not buy any tennis skirts. My pals will know why. Snyway, we headed to Balestier for porridge buffet but there was a long queue. We then went to a hotel near Joo Seng Road for a similar buffet but they were closed for the night. We finally settle on Old Airport Road Food Centre. Great stuff!

For the third week of holidays, I met up with Qili to discuss her plans for me as an emcee on her wedding day. I was very happy that she asked me to help out and then proceeded to work out the script with Jac so that we could give her our best. We also wanted to give her a secret toast. Many Chinese weddings do not have toast. We wanted to give her a memorable toast so we started interviewing her and she was very shy about it. Then, as I had said, I am a sucker for sale so Jac and Qili accompanied me to Taka where there was an additional 10% discount for Taka members and I bought so many stuff. I went on to Kinokuniya and Borders and Qili and Jac left for their next appointment. I lugged all my purchases and headed to Plaza Sing where I thought I could buy more stuff form Marks and Spencer. I really have to take my hat off to myself. I was there with all that heavy stuff for at least an hour. The stuffs were so heavy Roy had to come to the MRT to help me to cart them home. I did shopping like these for another 2 days before spending a relaxing Thursday with Julie and Tristan again. This time, we also did our annual ritual of wrapping the presents together.Oops! I forgot to mention that I went to Annie's house on Wed after such a long time and had fun with so many babies. All of them were so cute and also, I got to meet my many of my ex colleagues. I learnt so much from them and I have decided that I shall take Tristan and Julie along for our next meeting. I also ordered a baby toothpaste for Tristan. Kiasu right? hehehehe.

I don't know why on Wednesday, I suddenly started looking for a passport. I looked high and low for 2 hours but to no avail. I decided to leave it for the next day. I received an sms from Jan on Thursday that we are going to Melaka on Friday. I knew it. Everytime I loses my passport we would be going somewhere. Anyway, I found it. I was in a place where I looked at least a dozen times before a day before. Julie gave me some money to buy diapers if I have the chance and my mum gave me some money as well. I did not have a chance to change any ringgit.

On Friday, I was pleased to know that our whole gang was going. At the customs, Jan, the cartoon one, mistook the word 'men' as 'bear'. Even the custom officer could not help but laugh along. Well, we bought many packets of tau sar piah in Melaka and were heading for JB when we got ourselves into this.

We thought we had struck a rock but... hmm... the tyre burst! We were lucky to be alive. We did not have a spare. a Malaysian car pulled over and offered to help to no avail. Then an Singaporean MPV pulled over and the driver was even kinder than the first. He spoke fluent English and Malay and he was so kind to help us call the expressway toll but to no avail. They would not toll a car with a burst tire and a private toll truck pulled over to offer to toll the truck to Yong Peng for $150 ringgit with toll. We thought we were sure going to get extorted at Yong Peng but with another $150 ringgit, we managed to get 2 tyres changed. God sent us many kind souls to help us that day. Thanks be to God. Anyway, we got a nice makeover at a cheap, cheap rate. I got a wash and blow at $16v ringgit and a pedicure and an express manicure at $35 ringgit. Luckily I did not blow all my money on another kebaya that day if not I think we would have been stranded in Malaysia... Anyway I stole these photos from jan's blog.

On Sat, I went to Qili's place to do the last touch up fr the script and dinner plans and I went to Metro sale again... Told you I was a sucker for sale and bought more stuff. I also went out for dinner with Teck and all. It was very nice with a charcoal bbq but was very far. It was all the way in Sunset way.

Sunday is Qili's big day. I was very happy for her. My mum and aunt specially went to compass point to get me some flowers for my hairdo and my aunt also offered to drive me to the salon. We could not find Qili's house so we settled for 1 at Sin Ming. They did great for a small amount and I proceeded to help Qili at her room. Her mother was very happy to see me and so was I. She is just like Qili, a very gentle lady but surprisingly could tahan my nonsense, like her daughter. I also had great fun with all the babies and friends and I told Boon Poh that since she was doing so well, I might as well invite her for my bogus wedding next year. lol

Very eventful week.

Sunday 2 November 2008

Almost A Year

Time flies. almost a year. It's exam again. Singtel, AMK Hub. Deja vu.

Sonnet XIV

Sonnet XIV
If thou must love me, let it be for nought
Except for love's sake only. Do not say
I love her for her smile--her look--her way
Of speaking gently,--for a trick of thought
That falls in well with mine, and certes brought
A sense of ease on such a day--
For these things in themselves, Belovèd, may
Be changed, or change for thee,--and love, so wrought,
May be unwrought so. Neither love me for
Thine own dear pity's wiping my cheek dry,--
A creature might forget to weep, who bore
Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!
But love me for love's sake, that evermore
Thou may'st love on, through love's eternity.

-- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Sunday 5 October 2008


The D & G phone given to me is finally sold to someone who promised to love it. Jie sold it via hardware zone. Never blogged about this phone. Nothing to brag about. Nothing dear to hold on to.

Its nice to have a brother that loves you. Jie offered to sell me his phone and he'll get the I phone. After much persuasion, he wanted the HTC. After my nap, he told me he'd not change the phone after all. Good choice. No need to waste $$$.

Now waiting for the k810i $0 phone. (My phone spoil and argh!!! I love my phone :( ) Jan asked me to pay more to get a better phone. Well, I am not a techy. If I have the $$$ to buy a PDA phone, I think I will still choose an idiot proof phone and buy a PDA separately.

Just emailed Winston. Really miss him. Told him about what I'll do in HK. That is, to hit paper effigies. Wish me luck.

Sunday 24 August 2008

Ble and Puss in Boots

Just roughy, I might say that again, roughly finished my assignment for COR 100... really a ridiculous one. Going on to do law later (it's on liquidated damages).

Yesterday Pebble was put into her only t-shirt, not to mention that this is her least favourite T-shirt. Now, you can really see the similarity between her and Puss in Boots from Shrek...

It was also Mummy's birthday. We had steamboat and Julie came over. We had loads of laugh and Margarita for Rabind and juice for Julie.

Then we took this photo... Roy and I had to change into nicer clothes grudgingly. He had changed back when we took this photo.

Sunday 20 July 2008

I am going to have a new life!

Starting 01.01.2009, everything will start anew for me! Hooray! It is near my home as well... Though not the same place as Qili, but we have achieved what we want! I'll be with LINDA though!

Saturday 12 July 2008


Do I like them rich? Do I like them handsome? Do I like them intelligent?

I think I like them if they are of the same frequency. Doesn't matter if they are rich, handsome or intelligent.

Gates is rich.. but He is not my type...
Cruise is handsome... Not my type as well...
Not that they like me (OBVIOUSLY)
No men that I know are very, very intelligent at the moment, intelligent yes but not very, very ... hahahahaha


Hi all,

The photos in facebook. Go see if you like :0)

Thursday 10 July 2008

Under pressure?

Jeff asked if I am the sort who cannot work under pressure... I would say pressure is good. Gets work done. However, I cannot work under discrimination. Whether you love me or not, believe me that I am not asking for credit. Just want the best to happen. This is why I must leave to make sure I do not not lose my love for my job.

Monday 7 July 2008

Le Le

Jia told Lele that I would be going to their place. Lele actually remembers me! Said that I was the one who always gives her candies!

At KK's house

Just taught KK how to create a blog.

Thanks Be To God

I have recovered my laptop last Tuesday. I was about to ive up hope when HG called to say that the person who found it call up NUS. The student from TP was at my bus stop that day. My hunch was correct! He actually lives in Pasir Ris and came all the way to my place to take a bus. He refused to take my reward. Apparently this is not the first time he has picked up a laptop. I told his mum that she is a great mum to have taught the son that honesty is the best policy!

Everyone's prayer came true. HG never really worried about the missing lap top. He said that he knew that God would bring it back. Thank you, Mother Mary. Thank you, St. Anthony. Thanks be to God. Praise the Lord.

Monday 30 June 2008

Prayer to St Anthony

Versions of prayers I have found online.

St. Anthony, St. Anthony
Please come down
Something is lost
And can't be found

Dear St. Anthony, I pray
Bring it back, without delay.

Something's lost and can't be found
Please, St. Anthony, look around.

St Anthony, please come down.
I've lost my brother's laptop and it can't be found.
Let any God fearing soul pick it up.
Bring it back. The Lord is great.

If I get my laptop back...

If I get my laptop back...

I will buy u sisters crab dinner at AMK!


It started off with dinner with Julie and Ann last Fri, awfully banana and chocolate cake by my family during midnight. Then awfully chocolate cake by Mrs Lau, Qili, Sophia, Gina and Mrs Sow. Then dinner with Jan and Qili at Ikea. Linda and Derrick joined us followed by Li Jing and family shopping at Giant and Durian party at Li Jing's house. Cuilian wanted to book me long agao. Unfortunately the laptop...

Oh yeah, Zhihao remembered too :)

What more can I ask for? Thank you sisters and friends. Love you.

A Series of Suay Suay Events

Okie, since my birthday, I have lost:

1. a tiffany heart lock charm only worn once ($200),
2. A Lenovo x61 laptop belonging to my bro ($2500)

My cat is also sick. Vet fee - 90.95

Total damage around $2800

Please someone kind return the laptop. At least someone was kind enough to send me to the bus stop. Linda just told me that Derrick's car was banged for 3 consecutive years on his birthday. Maybe his damage is quite like mine. Linda berry nice. Wanna buy me dinner when I am broke. Say take turn. I work out already. If Linda, Mrs Lau, Qili, Sophia, Jo, Jan buy me dinner and Sunday I go Li Jing's house to eat durian, I can save some money. Hahahahahaha. Just kidding.

Lord, please help me. Amen

Monday 23 June 2008

Damage up to date

My damage up to date is around $8600... Not bad considering that I bought so many things for the people whom I love. Florida next year?

Love to sleep but...

Much as I do not want to admit but have to... I am still sleeping irregularly. Dunno which time zone. Sigh...

Monday 19 May 2008

Oh Marketing

Apparently my knowledge of marketing in Orchard road is not enough for me in my exam...

Monday 12 May 2008


Just need an asshole to ruin my perfect day. Go ahead and CC the whole world, crap.


Today berry hiao. Went to the shop at Northpoint to buy more beads for my nails. Very good deals. Bought 15 packets for $10. Aiming for more nails to practice the skill. Hopefully can do freelance one day to supplement my poor income. Promised Qili that I'll paint her Jie Mei's nails on her wedding.

Great Day

Today I went to work. Its Monday and I am reputed to have a black face on Monday. Simple reason is that people piss you off during meetings. However, today was great. Meeting was short, frictionless and constructive. Heng ah... Phew.

Qili liked my nails. Will lend me her nails one day. Ah Ming said "Ji mei li". LOL. More confidence. Thank God for friends like this.

Sunday 11 May 2008

Time to change water

Yesterday, Jo called from IKEA. Told me that she was going to get me a vase. She even arranged for Sky to get a rabbit for me. I am so grateful for friends like that. I must remember to change water though.

Have I told you

I Know I had this in my blog. But I cannot help but put this in again. It just holds so much for me.

I Love You

On Mothers'Day, it's so easy to say "I love you". Love the people at home. They are here because God thinks they are meant for you.


My bro insisted that we take photos. Ok. Take liao. All in lok kok clothes. He's gonna threaten us to use it in any of our wedding montage. Shame on him. Must find a day to destroy the evidence...


I actually said this in my dream "I did not need you for the past few months, I do not need you anymore."

Ju said I spoke my subconscious in my dreams...


Today, Fiona brought her new toy. A $3000+++ camera so Pebble eagerly posed for her... Vainpot!


I was experimenting with my cousins' nails today. Very nice of them to come and be my models. Thinking of quitting my job everyday. I hate my workplace. Promised Fiona that I'll split the profit with her if she cuts the nails b4 I paint. hahahahaha.


This morn, I was talking to Ju. I'm gonna be godma! First Eli then now, I'm gonna be godma to my jie mei's child. OOh I'm so honoured. The feotus is healthy and can see 'something' between the legs' according to the mother. Thank God I did not go along to the gynea. I would have started tearing, like I did at her wedding. I know. It's quite emo. But a girl can afford to!

We went on to the topic of friends. I told her what I am going through right now. It's tough to really not be too upset about the 'expected emotion' that a friend should show. Since expectations fell short, well. I should be pissed. Maybe it's because I've invested so much but my returns seem to be... NVM, she told me sometimes we should not have any expectations on our friends. I think so too. Cannot be helped.

Friday 9 May 2008


Ooh... this is going to be the movie that I'll watch this year. Unless Harry is out too. (I only watch an average of 1 movie a year, yes... sad, ain't it?)

Never say goodbye

This rocks. He looks good. He sounds good.

I'm back

It has almost been half a year. I think I am finally ready to accept many things. I passed by TPY today. No tears. No sweat. I'm good, I'm back.

Thinking with Mathematics

Went for the dumbest test today. Cannot believe that I actually paid a bomb to take it. Maybe I'm really becoming dumb. DUMB ASS.

Forgot to change the water

Told Jan that if Linda tagged along, we might lose our chances. Jan told me I was wired wrongly and that I did not change my water. I do not even have a vase. How to change water?

Killed by the clock

Sky told me I was killed by my clock in 2007 and Jan 2008. I have since removed it. Looking for a rabbit now.

Are you...?

Recently I was told that I am truly loved by someone. And now since I am smoking all the time for my papers, might as well smoke something that might one day be graded by the right one.


Are you the one that truly loves me?
Someone told me you are, and you would still love me
even if I should marry another, should the line keeps growing.

Out of the four, you are the only one foretold to be,
the one that loves me most, the one that cherishes me most.
For even the one who has stayed by my side, some time ago, for a spell,
is predicted to be someone, whom I will toss out, for the rest of my life.

It is weird, for you have not displayed any affection for a while.
Or should I say, for a long time.
Maybe my line has been disconnected,
without anyone knowing, for it has been dull.
And here I am, biding my time.
When will you finally be mine?

Thursday 8 May 2008

Can't wait

USD dollar not very super low... But I can't wait. LOL


Just reading "Twilight" for the second time. Each time I read, I just wish I have a person who can love me like how Edward loves Bella. This is what we know as "Wishful thinking". Hahaha

Tuesday 25 March 2008

Men are...

A friend of mine, a guy, just told me that men are jerks. Couldn't agree more.