Wednesday 31 January 2007

Teach A Bear To Fish

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

Now, say we try to teach a bear to fish, so you know, it can eat for a lifetime. We also try to teach the bear to read, to jump, to sing, to listen, to respect, to play musical instruments, to do Maths, to write poems and stories, to use the computer and to create art so that it can be a genius, so that it can contribute to the eco system.

However, if the bear fails to do all that or some of that, the bear might have learning disabilities. It can be dyslexia, hyperactivity or attention deficit. We then tell the bear, sorry but maybe we have to put it in another circus, where they teach intellectually impaired bears or put it in many many programmes, so that we can help the bear. We exhaust our list, but our bear is still disabled.

We get tired, we get upset, we get demoralised simply because our bear, is not learning as well as other bears!

Has anyone considered that the bear might just want to be fed by someone else for a lifetime?

After all, I want to be fed by someone else for a lifetime.

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