Tuesday 13 February 2007

She's Afraid Of Hamsters

This is Bunny, my neighbour's cat. She has been out of the house lately. I spoke to the owner and found out that they are temporarily looking after their brother's hamster. I told her Bunny is really stressed, that's why she's behaving like that. She said that Snubbi's fine. Maybe Bunny is afraid.

She told me that she has asthma and her son has allergies so her father suggested rehoming her cats to her aunt's place. She protested and said that they are like her children and her husband is so very attached to them. Even when she was pregnant and had to be sent to the hospital for the asthma attacks, she said she never once thought of giving her cats away. She left food and water for Bunny outside the flat and I promise to brush the cats whenever I can. This will lessen the shedding as the cats would not go near her now. Bathing the cats will help too. They see her as a traitor.

I also suggested that they train the cats not to jump onto the beds and sofa and have designated places for them to sleep. These precious learn fast and they will soon understand that their place is not on the bed!

Pebble used to go to their place before they had their own cats. They are such lovely people.

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